Monthly Archives: June 2024

A Night at the Xerox Building: A Harrowing Memory of Abuse in the 80s

The Approach and Initial Nervousness As the Caspian blue and strato silver Ford 2.8 injection Capri rolled into the dimly lit carpark of the Xerox building in Slough, an overwhelming sense of apprehension washed over me. The night was eerily quiet, with only the soft hum of the car engine breaking the silence. The building […]

The Power of Disclosure: How Sharing My Experience of Sexual Child Abuse Helped Me Heal and Empowered Others

Breaking the Silence: My Journey to Disclosure For years, I wrestled with the tormenting secret of my sexual child abuse, grappling with the dual burdens of shame and fear. The thought of disclosing this deeply personal trauma filled me with an overwhelming dread. I feared judgment, disbelief, and the possibility of retraumatization. Each day, the […]

What Happened to the IICSA Recommendations?

Introduction: The Cost and Effort Behind the IICSA The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) represented one of the most comprehensive and costly investigations in recent history, with a total expenditure of £186.6 million funded by taxpayers. This substantial investment underscores the gravity and commitment towards addressing the pervasive issue of child sexual abuse. […]

The Haunting Echoes of Grafton Close: A Journey Through Silence and Survival

boy holding brown leaf covering his face

The Unforgettable Memories of Grafton Close As the years have stretched into decades, the memories of Grafton Close have remained as vivid as the day they were imprinted on my mind. The haunting echoes of that place replay incessantly, creating a perpetual cycle of relived moments that refuse to fade. Each image is a haunting […]