Demand Transparency from UK Councils on Historical Child Sexual Abuse

Why this petition matters

Started by Keith Hinchliffe

I am a survivor of child sexual abuse, a painful experience that was swept under the rug by the Richmond upon Thames council. This is not just my story; it’s an issue that has been haunting many across the UK for decades. We are calling for all councils in the United Kingdom to open their archives and reveal any information related to historical child sexual abuse cases.

The cover-up of such heinous crimes is a gross violation of justice and human rights. According to The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA), there are countless instances where institutions have failed to protect children from sexual abuse, choosing instead to conceal allegations and prioritise their reputation over victims’ welfare.

We demand transparency, accountability, and justice. It’s time for all councils in the UK to come clean about any involvement or knowledge they had of these horrific crimes against children. By doing so, we can ensure that history does not repeat itself and pave the way towards healing for survivors like myself.

Please sign this petition today – let us hold our councils accountable and bring an end to this appalling cover-up once and for all

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