Seeking Justice and Recognition: The Fight Against Child Abuse

Victims of Child Abuse: Seeking Justice and Recognition

Having endured the harrowing experience of being a victim of child abuse and successfully securing a conviction in crown court, it is disheartening to find that the acknowledgement and support I expected from Richmond Council and Xerox, who own the buildings where the abuse took place, is lacking. The denial of their duty of care is not only deeply concerning, but also completely unacceptable.

The Evasion of Responsibility

It is disheartening to witness the use of legal tactics, such as the employment of solicitors and the invocation of the Bolam test and the Poole case, as a means to evade their duty of care. These test cases are often used to establish legal precedents and determine the standard of care owed by professionals in certain situations. However, in the context of child abuse victims seeking justice and support, relying on these test cases feels like an attempt to shirk responsibility rather than uphold it.

A Call for Justice and Change

This approach not only undermines the principle of duty of care but also perpetuates an injustice that countless others face. Victims of child abuse deserve to be taken seriously, supported, and provided with the necessary resources for healing and recovery. It is crucial that Richmond Council and Xerox, along with other institutions, recognize their responsibility in such cases and take appropriate action.

Child abuse is a deeply traumatic experience that can have lifelong consequences for survivors. The legal system should prioritize the well-being and rights of victims, ensuring they are not re-victimized through negligence or indifference. By neglecting their duty of care, institutions not only fail individual victims but also contribute to a culture of silence and impunity.

It is imperative that we advocate for change in how child abuse cases are handled. Victims should be treated with compassion, empathy, and respect throughout the legal process. This includes providing access to support services, therapeutic interventions, and appropriate compensation for the harm they have endured.

Breaking the Silence

Speaking out about child abuse takes immense courage, and it is disheartening when that bravery is met with denial and indifference. By sharing our stories and demanding accountability, we can raise awareness and push for systemic change.

It is not enough for institutions to simply acknowledge the existence of child abuse; they must actively work to prevent it, protect victims, and hold perpetrators accountable. This requires a comprehensive approach that involves education, training, and the establishment of robust safeguarding mechanisms.

Furthermore, it is crucial for society as a whole to confront the uncomfortable reality of child abuse and break the silence surrounding it. By openly discussing the issue, we can challenge the stigma and misconceptions that often prevent victims from coming forward and seeking justice.


The denial of duty of care by institutions like Richmond Council and Xerox in cases of child abuse is deeply troubling. It is essential that they recognize their responsibility and take appropriate action to support and protect victims. By doing so, we can create a society that prioritizes the well-being and rights of survivors, and works towards preventing future instances of abuse.

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