Tag Archives: justice

The Haunting Echoes of Grafton Close: A Journey Through Silence and Survival

boy holding brown leaf covering his face

The Unforgettable Memories of Grafton Close As the years have stretched into decades, the memories of Grafton Close have remained as vivid as the day they were imprinted on my mind. The haunting echoes of that place replay incessantly, creating a perpetual cycle of relived moments that refuse to fade. Each image is a haunting […]

Uncovering the Truth: Seeking Justice for Grafton Close Children’s Home

Seeking Truth, Answers, and Justice It has been quite some time since my last blog post, and during this period, I have experienced a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts in my relentless pursuit of truth, answers, and justice. Unfortunately, I have found that organizations, including the Richmond upon Thames Council, have been frustratingly slow in […]

The Long Road to Acknowledgment: Seeking Justice for Historic Abuse

love shouldn't hurt-printed on back of woman

The Long Road to Acknowledgment In the year 2020, I decided to reach out to Achieving for Children, an organization run by Richmond upon Thames Council, to address the abuse I had experienced while residing in one of their homes, specifically Grafton Close Children’s Home, back in 1984. It was a difficult decision to make, […]